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Measles Community Clinic Booking Tool

  • Vaccine Eligibility
  • Screening Questions
  • Demographic Information
  • Confirmation
  • Expanded eligibility for infants 6 months to 11 months of age
  • Accelerated schedule for second doses in children under 4 years of age
  • Second dose for adults born in and after 1970
  • To create additional protection for this highly vulnerable age group, an additional publicly funded dose of measles containing vaccine can now be provided to infants 6 months to 11 months of age
  • The use of MMR vaccine down to 6 months of age for infants at risk of measles exposure (in the setting of an outbreak-affected area or travel) is a long-standing off-label vaccine recommendation from the National Advisory Council on Immunization (NACI).
  • Two additional doses of measles containing vaccine must be administered after 12 months of age (and at least 28 days after the previous dose) to ensure long-lasting immunity to measles.
  • To increase immunization coverage among children and prevent complications from measles infection that are more common under the age of 5 years, the second dose of the measles-containing vaccine scheduled at 4-6 years of age should instead be provided as early as 28 days from the previous
  • At an interval of 28 days or beyond, the second dose is considered valid under the Immunization of School Pupils Act and effective to provide long-lasting immunity. An additional dose of measles-containing vaccine at 4-6 years would not be required
  • Adults born in and after 1970 with only one dose of measles-containing vaccine should be offered a second dose.
  • Individuals born prior to 1970 in Canada are likely to have immunity as the result of being exposed to measles through natural infection. Additional doses of measles containing vaccine are not required.
Vaccination History:
⚠️ Due to your vaccine history, you have received the required two doses of measles containing vaccines. Another dose is not required.
Recent Contact with Measles Cases:
⚠️ Due to your potential exposure to the measles virus, you cannot book an appointment at one of our community measles vaccine clinics. Please speak with a member of our team for further details at 519 753 4937 ext.454