Brant Health Atlas
Welcome to the Brant Health Atlas.
The Brant Health Atlas is an interactive tool that provides up-to-date information on the health of Brant residents. The tool allows you to view this information on a map, in tables, or graphs. Information is presented on a variety of health indicators, for multiple years, and where possible by geography, such as municipality (City of Brantford and County of Brant) and neighbourhood. Information is also provided for comparator populations, such as Brant as a whole and Ontario. Health indicators are aligned with the Core Indicators developed by the Association of Public Health Epidemiologists in Ontario (APHEO). See the
User Guide or the
Video to learn how to navigate the Brant Health Atlas.
Below is a list of key themes which contain currently available datasets accompanied by a brief description of their content. To begin using the Atlas, please click on a theme and then select a dataset that you would like to explore.
*** New! Finding a Neighbourhood by Street Address ***
Available Data
- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for:
- Population Counts
- Marital Status
- Lone Parent Families
- Aboriginal Identity
- Post-Secondary Education age 25-64
- Employment Rate age 15+
- Average Income After-Tax
- Prevalence of Low Income After-Tax
- Household Spending 30%+ on Shelter
Reproductive Health
- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for:
- Births
- Fertility
- Teen
- Births to Mothers Under 20 Years of Age
- Preterm Babies (<37 weeks)
- Low Birthweight Babies (<2500 g)
- High Birthweight Babies (4000+ g)
Data is presented down to the municipal level on women aged 15-49 for:
Good or Excellent Self-Reported Health
Good or Excellent Self-Reported Mental Health
Has Regular Healthcare Provider
Folic Acid Taken Three Months Prior to Last Pregnancy
Over Weight or Obese BMI
Five or More Servings of Fruit & Vegetables per Day
Physically Active (Somewhat or More)
Current Smoker
Binge Drinker
Healthy Pregnancy
- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level on pregnant women for:
- Smoking at Admission for Birth
- Smoking at First Prenatal Visit
- Resides with Smoker at Admission for Birth
- Resides with Smoker at First Prenatal Visit
- Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
- Cannabis Use During Pregnancy
- Anxiety During Pregnancy
- Depression During Pregnancy
- Prenatal Class Attendance During Pregnancy
- Overweight Prior to Pregnancy
- Obese Prior to Pregnancy
- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for:
- Exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge
- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for:
- Low on one or more EDI domains
- Low on two or more EDI domains
- Vulnerable- Physical Health and Well Being
- Vulnerable- Emotional Maturity
- Vulnerable- Social Competence
- Vulnerable- Language and Cognitive Development
- Vulnerable- Communication Skills & General Knowledge
- Data is presented down to the municipal level on youth for:
- Overweight or obesity (age 12 - 17)
- Less than five servings of fruit and vegetables per day (age 12 - 19)
- Physically active (age 12 - 17)
- Sedentary 15+ hours per week, excluding reading (age 12 - 19)
- Never smoked a cigarette (age 12 - 18)
Behaviour Risk Factor Prevalence 2015/16- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for the 2015/16 survey year. The survey was redesigned in 2015/16 and was no longer completely comparable with past survey years. Hence it is presented separately for:
- Less than 5 fruit and vegetables per day
- Sedentary (Inactive)
- Current non-smokers
- Current smokers
- Overweight or obese
- Exceeding low risk alcohol drinking guidelines
- Flu immunizations
Behaviour Risk Factor Prevalence 2005-2014 and Combined 2009-2014- Data is presented down to the neighbourhood level for individual survey years and combined for 2009-2014 for:
- Less than 5 fruits of vegetables per day
- Sedentary (Inactive)
- Current non-smokers
- Current smokers
- Overweight or obese
- Exceeding low risk alcohol drinking guidelines
Injury Causes - Emergency Department Visits- Data is presented down to the municipal level on emergency department visits for selected causes of injury (for age-specific rates, click here):
- All injuries
- Cut or Pierced by an Object
- Struck By or Against an Object
- Falls
- Land Transport Collisions
- Data is presented down to the municipal level on emergency department visits for concussions (for age-specific rates, click here)
Mental Health- Data is presented down to the municipal level for:
- Poor or fair self-reported mental health
- Consulted mental health professional
- Anxiety Disorder
- Mood Disorder
- Not Satisfied with Life
- Stress in Life
- Work Stress
Oral Health - Data is presented down to the municipal level for:
- Visited a Dentist Past Year
- Visited a Dentist Annually
- Has Dental Insurance
- Brushes Twice per Day
- Oral Facial Pain
Chronic Disease Prevalence- Data is presented down to the municipal level for:
- Poor or fair self-reported health
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart Disease and/or stroke
- Data is presented down to the municipal level for:
- All Circulatory Diseases
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Cerebrovascular Disease
- All Respiratory Diseases
- Lower Respiratory Disease including COPD & Asthma
- Diabetes
Cancer Screening
- Data is presented for Brant as a whole for:
- Data is presented for Brant as a whole for:
- All Malignant Cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Oral Cancers
- Skin Cancers
- Data is presented for Brant as a whole for:
- All Malignant Cancers
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Oral Cancers
- Skin Cancer
Potentially Avoidable, Treatable and Preventable Deaths- Data is presented down to the municipal level for ages 0-74 for:
- Avoidable Mortality All Causes
- Treatable Mortality All Causes
- Preventable Mortality All Causes
- Preventable Mortality Cancer
- Preventable Mortality Circulatory Diseases
- Preventable Mortality Injuries
- Preventable Mortality Respiratory Diseases